Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I finally got a new camera. Finally! I've wanted a new one for a few years but I never even looked at my options because I knew it would be overwhelming. It was. But in one day (yesterday) I decided which one I wanted and left work early just to go buy it...I knew I would have talked myself out of it if I had waited until after work. :)

I took a few pictures with it yesterday. The weather was getting back so unfortunately I couldn't spent hours out with it like I wanted to. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I LOVE working downtown. Yesterday, I wanted to see if the river had risen at all because of all the I walked to it at lunch! Love it and can't wait until Spring!!

One of the girls in my handbell choir just had a baby a few months ago...hence my first baby pictures I've ever taken!

Also, I just downloaded the Book of Mormon and am hoping to have it read all the way through in about 2 months (I'm gonna shoot for about 10 pages a day). This religion has fascinated me since high school but I've never read the actual book...just read a lot of stuff online about it. So, I figured if I'm going to form an opinion about it, I need to actually read it. I may be posting some random updates about what I read. :)