Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I finally got a new camera. Finally! I've wanted a new one for a few years but I never even looked at my options because I knew it would be overwhelming. It was. But in one day (yesterday) I decided which one I wanted and left work early just to go buy it...I knew I would have talked myself out of it if I had waited until after work. :)

I took a few pictures with it yesterday. The weather was getting back so unfortunately I couldn't spent hours out with it like I wanted to. :)


  1. I love the night city one and the tree one!!! You are such an amazing photographer! I wish flights were cheaper and I had free time so I could come see your new place! One day, many years from now (lol), we hopefully will be in the same city again!

  2. Nice!! Is that one in the middle mud? It almost looks like it could be chocolate gelato or something. I love my Canon but it is definitely not as fancy as that one! What model is it?

  3. Christine, thank you! I wish I could come to the beach and take some pictures! ;)

    Yep, the one in the middle is mud. Sadly, one of the first pictures (and one of my favorite actually) that I took with my new camera was of mud. lol.

    It's a Canon EOS 60D. I was looking at getting the 7D but it was a little over my price range...well, this one was too actually but I still got it. :)
