Jennifer Carpenter!

Brett and I were on our way home from Kroger around 10pm and he gets a text from his friend saying she was at a bar sitting next to Jennifer Carpenter. We immediately turned around and drove to the bar...by the time we got there Jennifer had left the table and gone inside to listen to a band that was playing. So, we too decided to listen to the band...right next to her! It was awesome.
Unfortunately we didn't talk to her or get a picture with her (one person did as she was leaving but I didn't have a camera, just my phone). But just the fact that we stood next to her for about 30-45 minutes completely made my night.
This is the stalker picture I got of her...it was actually completely black until I tried to lighten it with photoshop which is why it's obviously not that great. It's a side view of her and she's on the left.